
Workshop - day 1

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OPITE Workshop - day 1


This page will pull together our work during the first day of the project


1.Partners' background and interests

Frank - e-portfolios, mobile learning

Valere - KHLiM; research unit - e-learning, blended learning, mobile learning, social media, serious gaming

Ruben - teacher/researcher at KHLiM - mobile learning, social media, training for schools in social media; 

Agnieszka - centre for elearning - support, training, research - project management, funding, course design/facilitation and consultancy for the institution

Beata - instructional designer, tutor for blended learning courses, OER

Karolina - elearning course design; OER (Open AGH)

Anna - OERs (UKOER programme)


2. Aims of workshop 

- explore the Open Textbook (www.digitalfutures.org)

- talk about development of ebooks in individual institutions

- explore OERs in international context - background: OER movement in the UK; 

- explore OER repositories

- identify barriers and enablers in the area of ebooks and OERs - language? culture? platforms?


Case study

- will incorporate partners' input (we're working on the basis of partners sharing stories with us)

- will be based on contributions to the wiki

- wiki will also be an output at the end of project


what's our domain?

OT is about teacher education - we mean it broadly, all levels of professional development for teaching and learning, there are a number of stepping off points, some of us interpret this as a platform rather than content (for instance AGH are interested in particular areas of the curriculum)


Partner presentations focusing on context and involvement with TEL/OER


1. AGH

teacher education not main area of interest but tangential

"Hacking the Academy"

3500 staff; 15 faculties, 37,000 students; unit founded in 1996

bottom-up approach - searching out and informing the university about new trends etc.

tools - open source software used for AGH learning environment

  • Moodle
  • Mahara
  • Open meetings
  • Redmine/PIER
  • Wordpress


CC-licensing for most projects

if the lead - pushing openness as part of contract


Competition - Notes on the Internet (pre-OER) 1999

OpenAGH1.0 pilot - 2010

OpenAGH2.0 - open academic textbooks


OpenAGH - first repository of this kind, most resources in Polish, some in English; mainly STEM

addressing pedagogy - publish scenarios of workshops, online pedagogy, develop guidelines etc.; blog (all outputs are CC-BY)


who are the users? (2500 unique visitors) - mainly Poland, some from USA, Australia 

there isn't a national repository - curricula are very different across different institutions; 

"Digital Schools" - open textbooks being developed for 14 subjects for school education, textbooks to be certified by the ministry


we're taking OERs very broadly - broader than learning objects



don't really have OERs

did research in 2007 - how they can share existing knowledge - companies would like to have some content but want it to be very specific; very important - what are you making, for whom etc.

national level - Flemish government; online framework where teachers can put their resources, presentations etc. this is only available for teachers (not students) the quality is variable and depends on individual teachers; issues around culture. Belgian teachers want to receive money for resources they produced and not that keen to share openly; Belgian policy makers want them to go in the direction of openness; 

association with Louvain - very old university, very difficult to change, also - issues around income from research and the preference to sell things to industry (medicine, engineering), issues around patents


nature of knowledge different in STEM subjects from other areas? the nature of teaching being a private process

three different governments in Belgium (German/Flemish/Belgian); province schools, very many levels 

but - EU commission 


knowledge transfer - EU funding, this could become the driver for OERs; 

need to develop an economic model for openness


gamification itself is an open approach; games are expensive to create, you have to cooperate - medical calculating game; every year people die because of nurses making mistakes; developed a game to address the issue; 


OER - different meaning of the acronym - it refers to rules about education and exams

serious games are on the increase because of a decision of the government - it decided to invest in new economic sectors and create gaming incubators to create serious games for education on the open education principle; moving from industrial (close of Ford company) to knowledge economy

Limburg - selected for education games and healthcare

why games and not a more general technology? Ruben prefers to use the term "multimedia"; why are people playing games, how do they become addictive - they try and find out what these principles are (scoreboards - people like to be on first place etc.)

what can we learn from games and from principles of games?


what can we learn from games that can improve open content etc.


3. HAN

ixperium - a lab in teacher training college, teacher, students, policy makers can experiment with new technology 

separate space within teaching college - one acts as a space where people can experiment with current technology, space with future technology (not tried within technology yet, not field-tested); collaboration between several bodies - community learning centre, teacher training college HAN, research group HAN, primary education

key objective - learning with ICT; creating education which sees difference between learners as a starting point - difference is appreciated; ICT literacy

teachers, pre-service teachers


ixperium built on already undertaken research "teacher 2.0"; new teachers don't feel confident enough to use technology; huge differences between young people, there is a need for a curriculum, teacher has to be a designer - we expect from tachers that they will arrange materials, they have to know about design

; know that student teachers can act as change agents in the field; can act as a bridge between pupils and teachers; implementation of ICT should be concept- not technology driven

you can't manage diversity without ICT...


effectiveness of ICT is context-driven; technology is often underused in education; new materials - often technology from yesterday, often  resources produced not very adaptive


research - analysed policy plans from sixty six schools

differences between schools; looked at language development, gifted students, mathematics for under-performing students

working with teachers - what can be done to enhance engagement


non-physical network, brings people together,, research circle

students as intermediaries

do this in a large developmental model - project is change-led


outputs - field test of pedagogical ICT-based learning arrangements

all products should be CC and should be on wiki wijs - international repository - working with teachers

by being involved - teachers improve their competencies - insight into learning development, a better sense of what does and what doesnt'; working with teacher training technology - digital literacy resources


relationship between open textbooks and publishers 

problem at HAN- no national curriculum, minority language, solutions involve working with publishers


RP mentioned the removal of ICT curriculum - pupils finding lessons boring; high expectations of pupils because of technology available to them


MK mentioned the summit on education (?) how can we restructure education so that it addresses issues around literacy, creativity etc., OERs are one of these domains; there are huge differences between countries but they see these issues as being in common, sense of urgency is quite high - they know they must change education but don't know how

answers might be made possible by policy makers? teachers? how do we make the conditions right; students' perspectives also need to be incorporated


open materials in teacher education - not a lot in Netherlands so far; no university-wide standards or policies; wiki wijs - not something  

that is used widely by HE but not teachers

what is the context for professional development?

RP mentioned the Fellowship of Higher Education Academy programme and the need to be qualified for lecturers

HAN university - has a local policy; requirement to do a course on teaching skills (organised by the university)


principles for day 2 - we want to look at the open textbook

new standards for e-textbooks (JISC)







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