Frontpage Workshop Day 1 Day 3 Feedback on OT Case studies
OPITE Workshop - day 2
This page pulls together our work during the second day of the workshop
Aims/key issues for the day:
Valere - issues with funding, project needed to be able to engage people with potentially difficult subjects
Beata - would like to know more re: OT, how we can use it practically
Karolina - would like to see how the OT was built, digital literacy in context of OERs - would like to see how she could use this for her uni
Agnieszka - mentioned the document on digital competencies developed by "modern poland" - maps digital competencies in different areas, would like to see how the OT can be combined
Open textbook
Richard mentioned that context is really important, some things will transfer, some won't - we can't duplicate a one year project - outcomes are not transferable
Agnieszka - if there's a lot of UK things then a lot will have to be rewritten
case studies - are all in UK context; situated within a curriculum constructed in UK system
OT is structured on 4 levels - chapters, sections, pages
content can be reused/removed
customised splash page everything else is standardised
you can like pages, you can tag pages with words, you can export the pages, the intention is to be able to export as epub3
different types of pages an content
bread-crumbing approach
MK - argues we have a very similar way of thinking and defining Digital literacy
Article by (???) 4 types of internet users; about 40% of youngsters are traditionalists; 40% networkers, gamers – 9%, gamers 11%; young people also develop differences on the basis of the media they use
idea of the reusability of the resource - need to look at the platform
power of hypertext; not researched adequately, understandings of how it works and meanings ppl make through hypertext
three tables of content
OT on 1st year calculus...
you can insert plug-ins, reskin it
we've tailored wordpress
you could take the OT as a module RP is starting to get the module approved at SHU
3-4 working days to put that together
the principle of refashioning the textbook with new content
thinking space - we also have readers who are producers, the idea that users will browse
phase 2 - the idea of embed; can you embed the open textbook - but is it worth an investment of time and energy
we have a dashboard for thinking space
comments are public, annotations are private
what is the added value of login - personal tags/annotations. creates a profile of your contributions
AC - the OT needs to be in Polish, it is a critical factor, similar for other countries, such as Germany, Italy, France, Spain; this is an issue globally for resources; cultural issues, English predominates the OER scene;
there is local wordpress in Polish
FT - do we use the OT install or do we use a separate install at the university? RP - he would have to talk to realsmart abput the process of installing the database; needs to check with technical people if that includes the framework - FT - this will only be the content, not the plugins
how to export the database plus the plugins - at the moment we have a developer working offline who has exported the database plus plugins
OT as a content/tool/platform in English
AC - the platform is not a problem, it works locally; but the content is quite a huge resource, translation would need to be a huge part of going internationally, localisation would also be needed
RP - does AGH have any teams which translate materials? what resources would others have?
MK spoke to her primary teacher colleagues, it is increasingly more common to have English language resources "you shouldn't have it translated"; it would be a good idea to add Dutch cases - so for instance you could change chapter 4 and create your own examples of practice, they already have some examples of cases and could easily share those;
RP - a number of scenarios
1. - host a new table of contents
- give people access to back end
2. - give ppl access to the database with plugins on a cc-bases (port across to their own wordpress servers)
3. take materials and images and localise and/or create additional studies - this would be the localisation aspect
FT - keep one resource but add the cases rather than create local versions; FT is interested in the technical framework - a learning environment; can see instances where the technical framework of OT would be useful for them, know of a technical partner who would be keen
do we have a write-up about the features? there wasn't enough time; we are committed to take it to phase 1 and sort out the glitches - the write-up could be undertaken by partners
FT - are we adding to the resource or creating our own version?
RP - we wanted to disseminate;
FT - there are several options to go further, how do we make sure it doesn't end up being a disparate collection
RP - different levels of authorship - there are two sets of case studies, at the moment we don't have case studies of higher education teacher education etc.; we could commission that; Ft argues there should be some guidance
at the moment - there is a structure, there are some guidelines
MK - they have similar case studies, student-based
RP we don't encourage teachers strongly enough to research their practice - we could encourage people to question their practice...
changing nature of teacher education in UK - training schools, why train teachers at universities? we should be encouraging teachers to research their own practice - research questions as part of comments
RP - English version which incorporates research questions
what about AGH producing their own OT in Polish - textbook on physics? create content, the engine would be wordpress
MK - they use their own students for language courses
AC - students are more technically oriented, the OT is too abstract for students from physics department; technically translation is not a problem but to make this available openly, language is a huge issue in Poland for teachers and education; they have translated things before, question re: reuse of technology - the project for OpenAGH2.0 was just approved - are developing their own framework for open textbooks for technical subjects, starting in March - wanted a multi-platform solution (but STEM - pictures, formulas), must be more than wiki/WordPress; want a platform for teachers and for users
RP - AGH make an important distinction - you can take a finished product and make it available to people; another method - material is developed collaboratively, difficult to do but worth exploring, control might have to be more overt than originally planned; issues around levels of granularity - OT is very big,
working with architects on a portal for alumni, collaborative with a Scottish university
pedagogy of textbooks
AC - OpenAGH targets students of technical subjects, will be embedded within qualification frameworks being implemented in Poland. want to map it on the qualification framework; Wordpress might not be enough
RJ - likes the technique of OT; how will we deal with digital content such as movies etc.
would the unit be interested in epub?
VA - a lot of people think teachers need to be able to make their own resources themselves, do everything themselves - creators of content
RP - technical topics with hierarchical knowledge vs social science subjects - STEM lend themselves to heavy type of content
AC - people don't come to them, but from feedback on OpenAGH - people find it useful because they feel it is "real", written by practitioners, nice comparison of wikipedia resource vs OpenAGH resource (this one was very specific) we should be looking for things we have in common? teachers' resources could be that meta-level resource which people have in common; if we go into STEM or history then it will be too fragmented
MK - evolving laws. teachers make their own readers (print on demand etc) issues around copyright, universities were fined for sharing content that you weren't supposed to, online environments are getting emptier because of that; teachers are always making their own materials, but now there is a move backwards, now checking if all the content on VLE can be shared; teachers are moving towards social media - easier for teachers to use social media to share content as this is not as controlled by university; teachers want to be able to create their own materials
Recap -
new questions - can you create groups in open textbook for teachers to share specific content?
Valere and Ruben will talk to healthcare colleagues on Monday and will bring up the OT - potential for reuse
AC have a faculty of medical physics; she would like to see the project prolonged, believes it is worthwhile to continue the collaboration
FT - discussed several options for using the things they saw today, both tools and content; a lot of questions - how the Wordpress set of tools be enhanced even further, how can we build upon this to give teachers more tools to give feedback to students and have students interact with each other
MK - Digital Bloom, they have an introductory programme for teachers of children and will use DB there, create more digital meadows re: DL; are re-organising their curriculum - re: use of ICT in classroom and MK will show the OT to the team; discussed possibility of designing a pedagogical track together
RJ - how would others benefit from DB and OT?
RP - we need more people and we need them to use the tools, our question is - is it worth going ahead with phase 2?
VA - should we explore this further via european funding?
Plans for day 3
tomorrow - we will do a recap. possibilities for further collaboration
what's the best way of handing the resource over?
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