
Workshop - day 3

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OPITE Workshop - day 3


European funding

Valere's presentation  presentation

Feedback from meeting in Poland (ICT proposer's day)


7th framework - "heavy stuff"; difficult to get approved, 

ICT proposals day - a boost of proposals is to be expected, 100-200 for 2 or 3 which will be selected, 

going for TEL in 7th framework  - at least 8-9 partners, new tools are needed; 


Suggested to go instead for lifelong learning - transversal programme which focuses on 21st century schools, openness, innovation and relevance

300,000 EUR for 2-3 years

how learning can be enhanced through ICT, innovation in pedagogy and approaches to learning, 

this call mentions lack of update of new technologies and creative pedagogies, this is what the textbook is about...

issues around digital competence


31 Jan 2013 submission deadline


1 September start

2 years - technology is set up, you need to divide 300,000 among partners

MK would like to start implementing in Sep 2013


no of partners is OK - but how will we disseminate to people who are not partners?

AC - what about OpenCourseConsortium

associated partners are very important - you can pay for their travel etc but not on staff costs

they have to sign the letter of commitment


4 core partners, possibility of one more partner

go back to CEU?

each partner finds one associated partner and brings them to the table in this timescale?

VA suggested that a partner could be a school, and it could be in your own country

it says to EC that you are strong and that you already talked to future users


AC can easily find an associated partner through coalition for open education (Karolina is the secretary)

letter of intent is only needed, doesn't have to go through the process of signing by VCs etc


10 working days

AC - form very easy to fill in, the budget is just one table

can easily cut and paste and resend


what should be the arrangement?

AC - budget smallest because of the rates; 4 times smaller; not offended by the rates...

project manager - 100 euro/day; 37 euro/day

balance in terms of budget, balance in terms of tasks

switch in groups...put more hours as a manager etc.

MK last year strenghtened the policy re: EU funding, will not go for a very small project, problem with rates - high... but would be a good idea to look at what we want to accomplish and what has to be done; this is close to funding they have in the institution already, best if she could build on that - pedagogical part and the implementation in the teacher training institute, some research


there must be a partner that has a technical role

another partner who would offer pedagogical research

partner that would look at institutional embedding


25% co-financing

we wouldn't be developing a brand new tool

AGH might think about how to combine openagh2.0 with this project - but cant promise this will be ready for Sep/Oct

AGH might offer the developing of an institutional framework for openness; MK - development of pedagogical research/ changing culture in schools, VA - development of technology (transfer of technology), 


Skype meetings in Jan - first/second week in jan - 7th Jan

AC - will look into the budget - agree on percentages - will send the proposal

RP to contact the finance department


what role for CEU? what is not covered?

testing and exploitation partner - they have an international community inside - test international module


links with Umea University Sweden - pedagogical interests are very strong in schools



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